Monday, May 3, 2010


One might think that opposable thumbs and higher cortical function of the human brain have placed us at the top of the evolutionary ladder.  This is not entirely applicable to the primitive Kuwaiti human.  Driven mainly by primitive animalistic instincts of survival, normal human social interactions are almost nonexistent amongst the Kuwaitis.  The notion that a process of de-evolution is taking place is indeed not that farfetched.  By definition, a society is a group of people living together with mutual interest, respect and benefit.  Obviously, Kuwaitis do not qualify to be dubbed a "society".  It is a country devoid of mutual relationships.  Personal gain is prioritized even if it conflicts with the welfare of the country.  The neglect of basic self discipline and disregard to religious and civil laws are leading this country to anarchy.  One of the main contributing factors to this behavior is the arrogance of the Kuwaiti people. Arrogance that has been brought upon by mere chance that oil is found in every square centimeter of this desert country.  The people's pockets were filled overnight without breaking one drop of sweat.  To boast about one's scientific, technological, educational, athletic or even historical achievements is slightly tolerable.  However, to boast about one's geographical luck is utterly repulsive.  "The Lord (or nature) giveth and the Lord taketh away"


  1. This is sadly very true. They do the smallest things that annoy the shit out of me like not thanking the waiter or not saying "please."

    I loved this post. Great job. ;)

  2. Thanx :) I'm glad u liked it; the day that we respect the queue and handicapped spaces is a sign that we are truly living in a society...
