Friday, April 30, 2010

Maki Fail

Yesterday I had dinner at Maki with the Nuzha Gang.  I usually prefer EDO since I love the ambience there and the fact that it's not a "habbah" place.  But what the hell, since the guys wanted to go I didn't wanna be a party pooper.  I don't know if it's just me or is the fact that naming Japanese dishes "Shayookha maki", "3esa nigiri" and "3abdil Khi6'er sashimi" extremely annoying.  If we were in any other society I would give them the benefit of the doubt and think that it was a marketing strategy to show the customers that they can contribute to the menu and they are a vital part of the restaurant's success.  However, I lived with Kuwaitis long enough to know that the only reason they gave the dishes those names is to please a certain class of customers that know nothing about Japanese culinary art.  I assure you mayonnaise and sushi are not meant to be served on one plate.  If THAT class of customers is pleased then Maki has successfully been added to the trend list and approved by the MM9's (i'll explain MM9 later).   Since every TK (even those of lower socioeconomic status) works hard to be an MM9, Maki has ensured its profit for the next five years.  I salute Maki's brilliance and the TK's ignorance that have been a fundamental part in our prosperous economy... 6al...

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